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Licking People

When a Shih Tzu Keeps Licking You
or Other People


It's a familiar and often endearing behavior for many pet parents to be a part of: Their Shih Tzu enthusiastically giving 'puppy kisses', a gesture that embodies the affection and playfulness of these charming little dogs. While receiving a warm, affectionate lick from your Shih Tzu can be a nice expression of love, there are instances when this behavior can cross into the realm of excess.

An overabundance of licking, directed either towards their humans or other people, can become a problem, especially if it seems it's all a pup wants to do. Some Shih Tzu puppies and dogs can become very obsessed with it. And it can quickly go from something cute to something worrying. The good news is that it's very fixable.

This article aims to delve into the heart of this behavior, exploring the various reasons why a Shih Tzu might engage in giving you excessive kisses. We also provide exact, actionable training steps to address and modify this behavior. So, rest assured, the affectionate licks of your Shih Tzu to your fingers, hands or face will remain a sweet gesture, not a bothersome habit.

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Shih Tzu about to lick

The Reasons Why a Shih Tzu May Obsessively Lick Their Human

There are a handful of reasons why a Shih Tzu may obsessively lick their owner: 

  • Seeking Attention: Dogs often lick their owners as a way to get attention. It's a behavior that usually gets a response, whether it's positive or negative, from their human companions.
  • Showing Affection: Licking is a natural behavior for dogs to express affection. By licking their owners, dogs are demonstrating their love and strengthening the bond they share.
  • Taste: Sometimes dogs are attracted to the taste of human skin, which might be salty due to sweat, or have traces of something they ate.
  • Comfort and Soothing: Just as grooming can be a soothing activity for dogs, licking can also be a self-soothing behavior, helping them feel calmer and more secure.
  • Anxiety or Stress: Excessive licking can be a sign of anxiety or stress. Dogs might lick their owners more during times of change or when they sense tension in the environment.
  • Learned Behavior: If a dog has learned that licking leads to positive outcomes like treats, petting, or verbal praise, they are more likely to repeat the behavior.
  • Submissive Behavior: In the dog world, lower-ranking dogs often lick higher-ranking ones. Your dog may lick you to show submission or respect.
  • Exploratory Behavior: Dogs explore the world through their sense of smell and taste. Licking can be a way for them to gather information about their environment, including their human companions.
  • Boredom or Lack of Mental Stimulation: Dogs that are not receiving enough physical or mental stimulation may turn to licking as a way to alleviate boredom.
  • Health Issues: While rare, obsessive licking can indicate underlying health problems, such as a nutritional deficiency or a neurological issue that causes compulsive behaviors.

Each of these reasons can contribute to why a dog might lick their owner excessively. It's important to observe the context and frequency of the licking to better understand the underlying cause.

How to Address the Issue of Your Shih Tzu Licking You Too Much

When addressing the issue of a dog excessively licking you, it's important to consider the underlying reasons for this behavior. Here's a comprehensive approach:

  • Rule Out Health Issues: Though it is self-licking (like a dog licking their paws) that generally points to a health issue, do look out for: gastrointestinal problems, bad breath, changes in appetite, changes in thirst, irritability, lethargy or decrease in activity levels. These are signs that the vet should be consulted.
  • Provide Adequate Attention and Affection: Ensure your Shih Tzu is receiving enough attention and affection. Sometimes, increasing playtime, petting sessions, or simply spending quality time together can reduce attention-seeking licks.
  • Increase Mental and Physical Stimulation: Boredom can lead to excessive licking. Engage your dog in more physical activities like walks, runs, or fetch. Mental stimulation can include puzzle toys, training sessions, or new tricks. See also: Shih Tzu Toys for some great interactive and interaction toys.
  • Provide Alternatives: Offer your Shih Tzu a lick mat, which is a great tool for keeping a dog busy. These are typically made of silicone with suction cups on the bottom. You spread peanut butter across the top and then let them get to work. One like the Meekai Lick Mat for Dogs is a good size for Shih Tzu puppies and dogs, at just 8 inches. 
  • Positive Reinforcement Training: Use positive reinforcement to encourage non-licking behaviors. Reward your dog when they refrain from licking or respond correctly to a command like "no lick." This will be covered next.

How to Teach a Shih Tzu the 'No Lick' Command

Step #1: Teach What a Lick Is

In order to teach your Shih Tzu to stop licking you, your little guy or gal needs to understand what they are doing in the first place. So, while we do not recommend sticking out your face for a lick-fest, which only encourages things, any time that your Shih Tzu licks you, say 'Lick' out loud in a confident, firm voice. If you are consistent with this, within just 3 to 5 days, your Shih Tzu will understand what word is connected to their action.

Step #2: Have Your Training Supplies Ready

Just like any other sort of training, you'll want to prepare by having a special treat to give as rewards. This should not be a snack that your Shih Tzu normally receives. If so, it will have very little meaning. Choose something new and novel that is moist, small and packs a lot of flavor. Ideally, keep it 100% all-natural. A great choice for this is Zuke's Puppy Natural Salmon Training Treats or one of their other delicious flavors. 

Step #3: Positive Reinforcement Training

The idea of this is to reward your Shih Tzu when they refrain from licking you. Here are the exact steps:

  1. Don't go looking for trouble; however, when your little one starts licking you, move positioning so that they cannot reach you with their tongue, but stay close to them.
  2. As you lean away, say 'No Lick' firmly and confidently. 
  3. Wait a beat... repeat 'Noooo Lick' in a slower voice, as if you are waiting for something to happen. 
  4. If your Shih Tzu simply looks at you and does not lunge at you to lick again, immediately palm and offer 1 training treat. 
  5. Repeat as needed. Try to keep sessions no longer than 10 minutes. After all, a dog could keep this up forever. Once the lessons are done, direct your Shih Tzu to another activity. However, do work on this each day.

Done consistently, a puppy or dog can learn that not showering you in puppy kisses is the more favorable action within just a couple of weeks.

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