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Rolling in poop

When a Shih Tzu Enjoys Rolling in Feces


Maybe your Shih Tzu rolls around in their own feces, that of another dog, or both. Your dog may even play with the poop before rolling in it. In any case, it can be a terrible habit for pet parents to contend with. While the reasons for rolling in poop are varied, and there is not one consensus from experts about why this is done, there are steps you can take to limit or completely stop this sort of behavior.

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Reasons Why a Shih Tzu May Roll in Poop

Shih Tzu rolling in feces
Shih Tzu rolling in feces

This is a common, long established canine behavior. Yet, there are only theories about why dogs do this. While some reasons may hold more weight than others, none of these can be completely ruled out, as they all make sense in some way, at least to dogs. 

Reasons for rolling in the feces of other dogs may include:

1. To mask their own scent. This sort of behavior is linked to a dog’s ‘pack’ behavior. And, while it may seem that a toy dog like the Shih Tzu should not hold much of this sort of deep instinct, the behavior of dogs is dictated by canine rules, regardless of breed. 

To say that any toy dog, inside dog, or lap dog will not behave in any canine way is essentially saying that they are not a canine. So, this is something that has to remain on the table as a possibility. Rolling in the feces of other animals is a valid method of a dog masking their scent, and this has benefits (at least in regard to pack dog behavior) of not announcing a dog’s presence to prey.

2. To mark the poop with their own scent. While this may seem like a bit of a reach, some animal behavior experts suggest that a dog may roll in the feces of another dog or animal to leave their scent on it and override the existing scent. If a Shih Tzu does this within the yard, this may be as a way of claiming territory.

A reason for rolling in their own feces may be:

Self-advertising. All dogs have a ‘calling card’. Their scent glands (anal glands) hold a fluid that via chemical process lets other dogs know their gender, health status, mood, and level of interest to interact.

Some dogs, and particularly intact dogs with strong mating urges, may feel that they want to advertise themselves in a stronger way than just their scent glands. One way to do this is to roll in their own feces, thus spreading their scent over their entire body.

Reasons for rolling in any sort of feces may include:

1. The dog is fascinated with the smell. While this is a common theory, it can be off-putting to Shih Tzu owners who put time and effort into keeping their puppy or dog nice and tidy. The coat is healthy, hairs are soft and shiny, and your Shih Tzu smells great. Why on earth would your dog ruin that by thinking that poop smells better than the blueberry pie coat spray by BarktoBasics that you've spritzed on? 
Well, it is suggested that this all correlates to a dog’s incredible sense of smell. While we humans rely mainly on our sense of sight, sense of smell is a dog’s top focus. Canines have 250 to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to our 5 to 6 million. For this reason, dogs are captivated by all sorts of smells. They interpret scents and odors in ways that we cannot even imagine. 

2. It feels good. This seems odd, but is an accepted suggestion. And, while pressing the body into both feces and grass could, hypothetically, feel good to a dog, this may actually not be related to the poop. A Shih Tzu may enjoy lying down on grass and wiggling around on it. If there are feces on the grass, getting it on the coat is just an unfortunate consequence of enjoy a nice ‘grass massage’. 
3. Attention seeking behavior. What do you do when your Shih Tzu plays with or rolls in poop? Do you let out an ‘Oh my Goodness!’ and rush over? Most likely. Do you hover over them to inspect just how bad the damage is? Probably. And then, do you give a nice bubbly bath and clean your puppy or dog all off? We hope so. 

While those are all expected reactions, and giving a bath is required, they all have one thing in common: The Shih Tzu gets tons of attention! What dog doesn’t want that? 

How to Stop a Shih Tzu from Rolling Around in Dog Poop

Shih Tzu with Sign No Rolling in Poop
Since the reasons for rolling in feces can vary, to fully resolve this, you’ll want to address as many of these that are applicable. 

1. Spray or neuter. To an owner that did not wish to have their dog fixed, it may seem like an extreme measure to take in order to stop a Shih Tzu from rolls and romps in feces; however, there are many benefits to having a dog fixed, including overall better behavior (less marking, less trying to run away, better listening skills, etc.) and health benefits including decreased risks of some types of cancer. 

2. Stay calm, if it happens. While it’s human instinct to be upset, try to remain calm. If your Shih Tzu rolls in feces due to the heaps of attention that comes along with it, do not allow this goal to be achieved. 
3. Keep the yard clean. Cleaning up poop in the yard prevents people from inadvertently stepping in poop, keeps flies away, and of course prevents a dog from rolling in any piles of it. Just as you pick up your Shih Tzu’s poop while at the park or during walks in the neighborhood, do this at home. 

Attaching a poo bag container to your dog’s leash helps make this convenient. We really like the Earth Rated Leash Dispenser Poop Bags; it is small, but holds 15 bags, and easily attaches to any leash. 
4. Supervise. For reasons including reinforcing housebreaking lessons and limiting danger, a Shih Tzu should always be supervised when outside in yard. Keep your puppy or dog on leash and harness (not collar). Take your place as leader, and control where your Shih Tzu walks and what he does. If your dog starts to sniff a poop pile, interrupt by saying his name and then redirect focus elsewhere. 
5. For rolling in poop while you are not home:

1) Work to create an engaging environment. These steps help with separation anxiety as well.
• Have lots of interactive toys to keep your Shih Tzu busy. This may include treat-release toys like the Interactive Dog Treat Ball by Hippih, that holds your little guy or gal's favorite dry kibble and is sized perfectly for Shih Tzu dogs. 
• Or something fun and amusing like the ZippyPaws Spencer the Crinkle Monkey Toy that has crinkle paper inside the limbs, plus a squeaker and a rattle. 
• Leave on a TV (some cable providers offer channels specifically for dogs to enjoy) or have pleasant music playing. 
2) Adjust breakfast time. It takes about 24 hours for food to get ingested by a dog and then pooped out. So, if you can move breakfast time up by an hour or so, this can result in your Shih Tzu having a bowel movement an hour later than normal. In other words, a smaller time window for the poop to be deposited and then rolled in while you are not home. 

And, together with the aforementioned elements in place to keep your Shih Tzu occupied, this may resolve the issue.
If you found this article to be helpful, you'll love AllShihTzu's GIANT Book of Shih Tzu Care
#3. Limit Access

This may seem like a ‘given’, but you may be surprised to what extent you can actually make changes in this regard.

1. If this is an issue regarding a Shih Tzu eating cat poop, keep the litter box out of reach. 

More Articles:

Stopping a Shih Tzu from Eating Poop - This is a habit that should be addressed right away. If your dog like to roll in poop and eat it, these are the steps to stop coprophagia. 
Help a Shih Tzu with Allergies - This is a top concern for many owners; read how to reduce allergens and treat symptoms including eye discharge, coughing and skin issues. 
Top Shih Tzu Care Tips - A great compilation of the top care tips to do for all ages and stages; If you follow these, you are right on track.
Grooming a Shih Tzu - Overview of all grooming aspects, which leads to more details regarding baths, shampoos, brushing, and more. 

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