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 The 10 Most Important Interactions
to Have with Your Shih Tzu


You interact with your Shih Tzu all day, every day. It’s something that most pet parents don’t even consciously think about that often. But, have you ever wondered which sort of interactions might be important? 

In order to foster a strong and lasting bond with your Shih Tzu, as well as offer the best of care, it's essential to engage in meaningful interactions. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 most important interactions you can, and should, have with your Shih Tzu. 
Interacting with Shih Tzu - Example 1
Interacting with Shih Tzu - Example 1

#1 Daily Walks & Exercise as a Team

One of the fundamental aspects of maintaining a healthy and happy relationship with your Shih Tzu is regular exercise. Daily walks not only provide the necessary physical activity for your little guy or gal but also offer mental stimulation. 

While you’re walking, walk together! Have your Shih Tzu to your left side, in a heeling position. Be sure to have their harness on so that you can lead them and correct them without putting pressure on their wind pipe (an issue for brachycephalic breeds). In this way, you and your Shih Tzu will be walking as a team. And that makes this an important interaction that should occur daily. 

Note: Does the temperature in your area prevent regular walks? 

Our Summer Care section offers some good tips on navigating hot weather activities throughout the season.

And for those super-chilly and snowy days that many of us experience, be sure to see our Winter Care section which offers some great tips.

#2 Playtime & Enrichment Activities

Engaging in playtime is crucial for the mental and emotional health of your Shih Tzu. Dogs are social creatures that thrive on interaction and play. Whether it's a game of fetch, tug-of-war, or puzzle toys, incorporating play into your routine is an important interaction between you and your little guy or gal. It also helps alleviate boredom and reduces the risk of destructive behaviors. 

#3 Training Sessions

Training sessions are not just for teaching commands; they serve as a way to communicate with your dog effectively. Positive reinforcement methods, such as treats and praise, can make learning really enjoyable for your Shih Tzu. Consistent training builds trust and respect, creating a well-behaved and well-adjusted dog and one with strong self-confidence. 

Basic commands like sit, stay, and come are not only practical but also enhance the safety and communication between you and your Shih Tzu. 

If you’re just starting off, you may wish to check with your local SPCA for training classes you can attend together with your Shih Tzu. Or, check out our book, AllShihTzu’s GIANT Book of Shih Tzu Care that has a great training section. 

#4 Quality Time & Cuddles

Dogs are affectionate animals that crave human touch. Spending quality time cuddling, petting, and simply being close to your Shih Tzu strengthens the emotional connection. This interaction fosters a sense of security and reassurance, making your little guy or gal feel loved and cherished. Dogs often mirror the emotions of their owners, so a calm and relaxed demeanor during these moments contributes to a happy and secure atmosphere.

A tip to keep in mind for those that have Shih Tzu dogs that don't seem to want to cuddle all that much: Some dogs want their human to initiate the cuddles, so don't be shy! Others may not express their love with cuddles, but in other ways, such as keeping watch over their humans, bringing toys to you, or just wanting to lick your face! And some dogs, especially rescues and adopted dogs, may need lots of time with their new family before they are ready to snuggle on the sofa. 

#5 Grooming & Health Checks

Regular grooming sessions are essential for maintaining your Shih Tzu’s physical health and appearance. Brushing, bathing, and checking for ticks or abnormalities not only keep your cuddle-muffin looking and feeling good but also provide an opportunity for health checks. 

Examining your Shih Tzu’s ears, teeth, and nails allows you to detect potential issues early and address them promptly, ensuring your Shih Tzu’s overall well-being. 

And, this is a breed that does require quite a bit of grooming, so they'll be plenty of opportunities for this sort of interaction! Be sure to have a look at our Shih Tzu Grooming section.

#6 Mealtime Rituals

Mealtime is not just about providing sustenance; it's a valuable interaction that can carry a lot of meaning for your Shih Tzu. In addition, establishing a consistent feeding routine helps regulate your Shih Tzu’s digestion and can be an excellent time for training.

Before your Shih Tzu’s bowl is placed down, require a sit. Doing this makes it very clear that you personally prepared the food and it is such an easy way to establish yourself as the household’s leader. In turn, you may find your Shih Tzu listens better and has better behavior 

#7 Exploration & Adventures

Canines are naturally curious, so exposing them to different environments and experiences enriches their lives. Taking your Shih Tzu on adventures, whether to a dog-friendly park, beach, for a picnic in a scenic area or a hiking trail, provides mental stimulation and is an interaction that strengthens the bond of shared experiences.

When you head out as a team to a new (or beloved) location, this will often lead to both of you feeling rewarded and content for quite some time afterward. So, if you're stuck in a rut or just haven't been out exploring in a while, grab your Shih Tzu and have a little adventure!

Always ensure your Shih Tzu’s safety by using a leash and harness, and monitoring their behavior in new environments.

#8 Veterinary Care & Preventive Measures

This is one sort of interaction that many pet owners don’t look forward to, since their Shih Tzu may not be a happy camper when going to the vet. But regular check-ups are a non-negotiable aspect of responsible pet ownership. These visits not only address health concerns but also contribute to preventive care. Vaccinations, dental cleanings, and parasite control are crucial components of maintaining your Shih Tzu’s well-being. 

Your veterinarian can offer guidance on a proper diet, exercise regimen, and address any specific health concerns based on your Shih Tzu's age. And, you can make this interaction a positive one by combining it with an activity your Shih Tzu really enjoys such as a Pup Cup from Starbucks afterwards, a visit to a dog park that they love, or being given a new toy. 

#9 Socialization with People and Other Dogs

Socialization with others is a key factor in shaping your Shih Tzu’s behavior and temperament. Introducing your little guy or gal to various people, animals, and environments from a young age helps prevent fear and aggression. Dog-friendly gatherings, playdates, or obedience classes provide opportunities for positive social interactions, promoting a well-adjusted and confident canine companion.

#10 Active Listening & Understanding

Perhaps one of the most important interactions with your Shih Tzu is active listening and understanding. Dogs communicate several different ways: through body language, vocalizations, and behavior. 

Being attuned to your Shih Tzu’s cues allows you to respond appropriately to their needs and emotions. Whether your sweetie-pie is expressing joy, fear, or discomfort, acknowledging and responding with empathy strengthens the bond of trust and enhances your ability to meet your Shih Tzu’s needs.

A Final Note

The interactions you share with your Shih Tzu play a pivotal role in building a strong and lasting bond. From daily walks and playtime to grooming sessions and active listening, each interaction contributes to the overall well-being of your canine family member. By investing time and effort into these essential moments, you not only enhance your Shih Tzu’s quality of life but also experience the joy and fulfillment of a companionship built on love, trust, and shared experiences.
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