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Help Lose Weight

How to Help a Shih Tzu Lose Weight

Shih Tzu that needs to lose weight


Even small dogs like the Shih Tzu can become overweight. And, in fact, this is not an uncommon issue for this breed, with their sturdy, square frame. Excess weight is linked to a host of health issues, affects a dog's mobility and can exasperate breathing issues which can be quite troubling for this brachycephalic breed. 

This article covers the detailed reasons a Shih Tzu can become overweight, health issues to rule out, the effects of being overweight, and steps to put your Shih Tzu on a diet to safely lose weight. 

* If you already know that your Shih Tzu is overweight and needs to lose, you may wish to jump right to: How to Help a Shih Tzu Lose Weight

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Reasons a Shih Tzu May Become Overweight

1) Potential to carry the weight.

How much extra weight a dog can potentially carry depends a lot on their skeletal frame. The Shih Tzu is a hardy, sturdy dog with a squared body structure. And despite being a toy breed, Shih Tzu dogs normally reach a rather good size of 9 to 16 lbs. For this reason, it is very easy for excess weight to be carried.

2) The basic rule of calories in, calories out.

If a Shih Tzu is taking in more calories than they are burning off, there will be gain weight. Let's look at the two aspects: 

Calories in. Even if you just feed your Shih Tzu 2 to 3 small meals per day and a couple snacks, if the food is calorie dense, and/or a good portion of those calories is coming from carbs and not protein, this can cause a calorie surplus. 

Other elements may include feeding your sweet Shih Tzu bits of your own food which may be high in fat, carbs, and/or calories, giving too many treats (if they are not low-calorie options), giving in to begging, and other factors. 
Calories out. Just as important is how much energy a Shih Tzu is burning off. Just like humans, there are 3 parts to this. 
  • There is a dog's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is how much is burned off simply by existing. A certain amount of energy is needed to breathe, for bodily functions, etc. Each dog will have their own unique metabolism
  • There is a dog's energy expenditure via exercise. This includes a Shih Tzu's daily walks, any purposeful playtime such as fetch, and other sessions of light to moderate cardio. 
  • There is a dog's NEAT. This is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis which includes any movements that are not considered exercise, such as pacing, jumping, wagging their tail, etc. 
Note that both age and health status affect exactly how many calories a Shih Tzu requires and burns off. Adults need 35 to 45 calories per day for each pound of body weight; however due to the above this can fluctuate up or down by 20%. 

Health Issues to Rule Out

Before you take steps to help your Shih Tzu lose weight, you will want any possible health issues to be ruled out. Conditions that can cause weight gain include Cushing's disease (other signs include hair loss, and poor skin health) and hypothyroidism (other signs include lethargy, and dry or oily skin and/or coat). 

Assess Oversized vs Overweight

Being larger than expected does not necessarily mean that a Shih Tzu is overweight. We spoke of body structure earlier, and this is important to take note of. With adult Shih Tzu dogs having a normal weight range of 9 to 16 lbs., this leaves a 7 lb. variance. In addition, though the AKC standard is for 9-16, that refers to what is preferred in the show ring. Pet Shih Tzu dogs can be healthy and anywhere between 7 to 18 lbs. (and sometimes even a bit more).

Much of what will determine how big a Shih Tzu will be is their body frame, not how much fat is on it. So, it is possible to see a 7 lb. Shih Tzu and 17 lb. Shih Tzu that are both a healthy weight. 

Your vet can help you determine if your sweet guy or gal is carrying excess weight. And a general guideline that you can do at home, is to look at their rib cage area when they are wet after a bath. If you cannot see any sort of outline whatsoever, this is a sign that they may be carrying too much body fat. 

The Effects of Being Overweight

Canine obesity is a real and serious issue that not just limited to medium and large sized breeds.

Common problems with being overweight include:

Stress on joints and bones. Because the Shih Tzu is already prone to both hip dysplasia and patella luxation, any extra weight will put even more stress on these vulnerable areas. 
Increased breathing problems. Being a brachycephalic breed (compressed head structure), the Shih Tzu can already have some breathing problems including elongated palate. Extra weight can compress breathing passages even further. 
Decreased mobility. It is a conundrum that overweight dogs cannot move around well, but it helps to move around more to lose weight. Overweight Shih Tzu dogs may have trouble rising from a down position, and have a low exercise tolerance. 

Strain and stress on the heart. Excess weight puts a strain on the heart and the entire circulatory system. 
Increased risk of disease. Such conditions as canine diabetes, and even cancer, are seen at a higher rate in overweight dogs. 

How to Help a Shih Tzu Lose Weight

Before you begin: It must be mentioned again that before you take steps to help your Shih Tzu lose weight, do be sure that this is not a matter of them having a larger than expected body structure, and that there are no health issues. 

The goal: Your goal will be to decrease calories (without decreasing the amount of food that you give to your Shih Tzu), while safely increasing their activity level. 

Step #1: Switch to a low-calorie, quality dog food. If your Shih Tzu has been eating a less-than-ideal dog food, it will be time to make a switch to a better one. If they are already on a 4 or 5 star food, that brand should offer a healthy-weight option. 

If you will be making a change in brands, do this over the course of 3 weeks to avoid upset stomach. Week one do 3/4 old to 1/4 new, week two do 1/2 and 1/2, and week three do 1/4 old to 3/4 new. By week four, your Shih Tzu will be fully transitioned over. 

A low-calorie, high-quality dog food that we recommend to help a Shih Tzu lose weight is Wellness Complete for Small Breeds - Healthy Weight. The Wellness line of dog foods is one of our recommended brands, and for good reason. There are zero chemical additives, and no wheat, corn, soy or by-products. And, this is made in the USA. 

The 'healthy weight' formula's top ingredient is turkey, which is a low-calorie, filling protein. It also has chicken, oatmeal (easy on the tummy), salmon and flaxseed (both very good for skin and coat health), carrots, spinach, blueberries, apple, and sweet potatoes. 

Step #2 Switch to low-calorie snacks. Anywhere from 10 to 30% of a dog's daily intake can come from their snacks. And it is not recommended to stop giving these; Snacks are an important part of a dog's diet, to keep them satiated between meals and to reward good behavior. And it's never fun for a dog to stop receiving goodies from their human. So, the key is to still offer treats, but ones that have few calories while still being delicious.

You can offer some wholesome foods such as raw baby carrots and fruits including strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. These can be given as is, or mixed into meals. 

If you are looking for really great store-bought treats, we are very happy with Fruitables Skinny Mini Apple Bacon Dog Treats. These also come in other great flavors like pumpkin & berry, pumpkin & mango, and even bison (a great low-fat meat). These have zero additives, are made in the USA and are only 3.5 calories a piece. 

Step #3 A Gradual increase in physical activity. While making changes to what your Shih Tzu eats will play a big role in helping them lose a few pounds, gradually increasing their daily exercise will help you find success more effectively.

It is important to note that Shih Tzu dogs carrying excess pounds may already be having trouble taking long walks or keeping up a good pace. So, the goal will be to incorporate small changes that will have a big impact over the course of a couple of months. 

Here are some tips:

1) Aim for two 20-minute walks per day, adding on 5 minutes each week until you reach a max of 30 to 35 minutes. 

2) Go at a pace that is brisk for your Shih Tzu, increasing intensity only as they work up their endurance. You won't need to (and it's not recommended to) build up to a full-out run; but, a Shih Tzu should be trotting along with an active gait. This is not always easy for overweight dogs, so allow their tolerance to build up. 

3) Don't let the bad weather stand in your way. Unless there is heavy precipitation, a heat wave or below freezing temperatures, make it your goal to get your Shih Tzu outside every day.

In the winter, the key is for both of you to be dressed warm enough and for your Shih Tzu to be properly protected. If your Shih Tzu tends to get chilly, consider placing a vest on them, like the Gooby Sports Vest which comes in both extra-small and small to fit all Shih Tzu. 

In the the summer, take your Shih Tzu out when it's coolest during the early morning and late evening. Stay in the shade, if possible. And protect their paws from hot surfaces by applying a wax, like Musher's Secret on a regular basis.

How Much Weight Loss to Expect

It is always best for an overweight Shih Tzu to lose at a slow and steady pace. This is a marathon, not a sprint. A good rule of thumb is to aim for 1/4 to 1/2 pound per week. 

Note that changes you make in regard to both their quality of food and activity level should be life-long changes with the goal of increased health and mobility. 
Shih Tzu surrounded by dog supplies

Having the right supplies can make a world of difference. It can improve everything from how your Shih Tzu does when home alone, to his success with housebreaking, and can even help prevent a common health issue seen with this breed. 

See what is needed and why, for optimal health, comfort, safety, and happiness. 
Shih Tzu dog with bubbles and shower cap

The products that you use on the coat (the shampoo, but also the conditioner and the leave-in spritz) will either be beneficial to the coat or detrimental. 

And this has a big effect on not just how your Shih Tzu looks, but also their skin and coat health. Be sure to have the right products for baths and touch-ups when brushing.
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