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Care of Shih Tzu When You Are Sick

Taking Care of Your Shih Tzu When You Are Sick


Being sick is never fun, and the responsibilities of caring for a canine family member can add an extra layer of complexity to an already challenging situation. From ensuring they get the necessary exercise to maintaining their routine, there are thoughtful ways to handle caring for your Shih Tzu when you are sick from a cold, flu or other illness.

Shih Tzu owner with a cold
shih Tzu owner with cold, illustrated

Adjusting Your Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, finding comfort and security in the predictability of their day. However, when you’re feeling too sick to do all the usual tasks, it's essential to find a balance between preserving stability for your Shih Tzu and accommodating your health needs.

So, when you’re sick and wondering how in the world you’re going to care for your Shih Tzu and get everything accomplished, just aim to provide the fundamental care elements: feeding, basic grooming, being taken outside. 

With other care tasks, pause them or delegate them. To delegate, enlist the help of household family members, if there are others in your home. And if you live alone, don’t be shy to reach out to neighbors, friends or anyone else you trust, who may love to help out and spend time with your Shih Tzu. 

Adjusting Exercise Routines and Interactive Play

When illness strikes, the energy for long walks may be in short supply. If you’re really feeling ill, it’s okay to put walks on pause for now and only focus on taking your Shih Tzu outside for potty needs. Though keeping a routine is best, temporarily stopping long walks while you recover is okay. 

If you do have to forgo walks for a bit, your Shih Tzu may start to get restless, but there are alternatives to keep them active and engaged. Consider short play sessions indoors such as fetch down a hallway, puzzle toys that challenge their minds, or gentle activities like hide-and-seek. Our Best Toys for Shih Tzu Dogs section offers some good recommendations.

And, if possible, enlist the help of a neighbor, friend or family member to bring your Shih Tzu for a quick stroll around the block or a playdate at the local dog park. 

Put a Focus on Quality Time

When play sessions and other physical tasks related to your Shih Tzu are restricted due to having a cold, there are several ways to channel your time and attention into quality moments with them. This can include gentle massage and petting, as dogs appreciate the soothing touch of their human, and it can be particularly comforting when they sense something might be amiss. 

Verbal interaction is important as well, as your voice serves as a source of familiarity and comfort during a time of change. So, even if you are sick, do your best to talk to your Shih Tzu in a calming and reassuring manner. Share stories, offer words of affection, or simply engage in light one-sided conversation by speaking your thoughts out loud. 

And focusing on quality time can give you permission to be lazy while you recuperate. For the time being, you can trade outdoor activity for indoor relaxation with soft music and/or calming scents. Be attentive to your Shih Tzu’s reactions and preferences to tailor the experience to their comfort.

Keep Grooming Tasks Down to the Basics

Maintaining your Shih Tzu’s hygiene is crucial, especially if you're too sick to carry out their usual grooming routine. If you can't manage a full grooming session, focus on essential tasks, like applying paw wax in the wintertime, brushing their teeth, ensuring their coat is free from mats and keeping the eye area free from discharge and debris.  

Consider incorporating canine grooming wipes to keep your Shih Tzu clean and fresh between baths. And if your cold or other illness lasts a while and your Shih Tzu really needs a full groom, consider scheduling a professional grooming appointment (especially if your guy or gal has gone before and are comfortable with the groomer). 

Contingency Planning

If you have other family members in the house, hopefully they will take over any tasks you normally do with your Shih Tzu until you’re feeling better. And, certainly, it’s hoped that they would take care of things in case of an emergency. But, if you live alone or you are the only one privy to your Shih Tzu’s care and health information, it may be a good idea to have a contingency plan in place, in case of an unexpected emergency.

Write or type out your Shih Tzu’s routine, preferences, and medical information. If you live alone, give this to a trusted friend or neighbor. This way, if your illness takes a sudden turn, someone is informed and prepared to care for your Shih Tzu. 

Can Dogs Catch Colds or the Flu from Humans?

It's common for pet owners to wonder if their Shih Tzu can catch a cold or flu from them. The good news is that the viruses that cause colds or flu in humans are typically different from those affecting canines. And while not impossible, the likelihood of your Shih Tzu having a cold they caught from you is exceptionally low. 

Regarding COVID, there has been some concern about the transmission of COVID-19 between humans and dogs. The evidence suggests that while cases of pets testing positive for the virus have been reported, cases are almost always mild. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the risk of animals spreading COVID-19 to people is considered low. This said, if you’ve been diagnosed with COVID, it’s advisable to avoid close contact with your Shih Tzu (and all pets), just as you would with people. 

A Final Note

While being sick can be challenging, taking care of your Shih Tzu during this time doesn't have to add more to your worries. You can ensure your little guy or gal's well-being without compromising your recovery by focusing on providing care essentials and leaving the rest for when you’re back on your feet. 

Remember, your Shih Tzu’s love can be the best medicine during your time of need. And if you are reading this because you have a cold or are otherwise feeling under-the-weather, we hope you feel better soon! 

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